Copyright © 2025 Rio Verde Foothills Firewise
Who is Firewise?
Firewise is you! Firewise is all of us! Homeowners helping each other, neighbors helping neighbors. Firewise is a non-profit group that relies on
Sponsorships and donations.
The Board… they are your neighbors! Our current directors are Debbie Catone, Rebekka Schwegler, Shawna Comber, Darren Jeffrey and Mike Mooney.
Our goal is to provide our neighbors with current fire preparation, prevention, emergency planning and information pertaining to the Foothills.
We hope to expand our team and our abilities to provide more resources as we grow! If you are interested in being a part of our team, see our Volunteer
Stay tuned for more updates, incentives and events!
The mission of Rio Verde Foothills Firewise is to engage and
encourage our community members to participate in the
Firewise USA program to help mitigate potential fire damage
and spread within our boundaries; all while trying to protect
our existing desert landscape.
These goals will be achieved by working in partnership with
Rural Metro Fire Department and other local agencies to
combine the best educational practices and procedures to
help protect people, property and livestock through property
assessments, classes, mitigation, tools, meetings, social media
and our website, along with community events.
Why join?
By joining our free program, you will be participating in our Rio Verde Foothills community effort which encourages neighbors to work together to
implement proven fire prevention strategies to better prepare for future incidents. You will become a stakeholder in our combined success!
Free Firewise Inspection!
By partnering with Rural Metro Fire Department, we are able to offer free Firewise inspections for your home. These inspections are valuable tools to
ensure your property is as safe and ready for a wildfire in our area as possible. These inspections are confidential suggestions given by qualified
inspectors. There is no pass or fail. You as the homeowner receive the only copy of the form for your records. The Firewise program gets credit for the
time on the inspection to go toward our community goal. It’s truly a win-win for you and your neighbors.
Our community has been extremely fortunate in the last few years… we have been surrounded by wildfires and have fared pretty well. But, how long will
our luck last? Our community can’t be “Firewise” by relying on luck alone as seen in the recent California fires.
By working together to identify and mitigate potentially dangerous areas around our properties and homes; our chances of surviving an incident
greatly improve. By protecting yourself; you protect your neighbors.
When each of us report our hours worked and/or monetary expenses to keep our properties as safe as possible to the Arizona State Department of
Forestry and Fire Management through our Firewise program; you will help us maintain our Firewise USA designation, which is overseen by the National
Fire Protection Association.
Why is this program important for the Foothills?
Our main goal is to promote community safety. Achieving the requirements for either the dollar amount and/or number of hours that you report is how
we achieve our status. Hours reported are converted into a dollar amount by Forestry and their formulary to establish our totals.
Once achieved, we are eligible for the following:
By having the Firewise designation; it allows our community to be eligible to apply for grants to help with new projects. It can be to help maintain a
clear and faster ingress route for emergency vehicles as well as egress for evacuations. Classes and events. Community “dumpster days”. Identifying
areas where Forestry and Fire Management can assist us to protect our outer barriers along with clear access to the forests for firefighting purposes.
Helping neighbors who are unable to clear areas of concern, etc.
Many of us have had our homeowner’s insurance premiums increase, or the worst-case scenario, cancelled. Your odds of keeping your current policy
or finding a new one greatly increase by being a part of a Firewise community and having your property inspected. That service is offered free of
charge through Rural Metro Fire Department.
We have been extremely fortunate to work directly with the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management to have certified Assessor’s on each
shift at our local Rural Metro station for your convenience.
We are becoming a role model for other communities in our area. We are one of the largest land masses, that does not have an HOA to protect or
maintain our properties. We must protect ourselves.